Unleashing Creativity:

A Writer’s Journey

Unleashing Creativity:

A Writer’s Journey


fall foliage leaves on the ground on top of other piled leaves 

Welcome Back, Autumn: Embracing a New Fall Semester

October 01, 20232 min read

Hello again, dear readers! It’s me, Jenny (or Jenise, for those who prefer the formal touch), and I’m delighted to be back here, sharing the latest chapter of my academic journey. As the vibrant colors of fall return and the air grows crisper, it’s the perfect start to my second semester in graduate school at Kean University, where I continue my pursuit of a Master’s degree in English Writing Studies.

Reflecting on my first semester, it’s incredible to see how much I’ve grown since my days as an undergraduate at Kean University. My passion for the written word, its intricate process, and its profound ability to convey meaning and emotion have only deepened.

This fall, as I return to the rhythms of daily life, I’m reminded of the importance of hope, especially during challenging times. The past year has presented us with trials, uncertainties, and obstacles. But if there’s one thing that keeps us moving forward, it’s the ever-present glimmer of hope.

Hope is the belief in better days ahead, a beacon of light that guides us through the darkest nights. It’s the fuel that propels us to keep going, to dream bigger, and to strive for the best version of ourselves.

As I embark on my second semester, I’m filled with excitement and determination. The program’s emphasis on writing and critical thinking is a perfect fit for my academic and personal goals. I have confidence that the challenging coursework and dedicated faculty at Kean will equip me with the skills and knowledge I need to succeed in my future endeavors as a professional writer.

So, as we dive into this new semester, I invite you to join me on this ongoing journey of growth, discovery, and the everlasting exploration of the written word.

Here’s to another semester filled with stories yet to be written and knowledge yet to be uncovered!

AutumnFallFall SemesterHopeLanguageOngoing JourneyPersonal GrowthReflectWriting
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Jenise Perez

Throughout my undergraduate studies, I enjoyed taking various English courses such as English Composition, Creative Writing, Children’s Literature, Intro to Journalism, Business & Professional Writing, Technical Writing, Feature Writing, and Writing Creative Podcasts. These courses allowed me to broaden my knowledge and learn different forms and styles of writing. I have always been fascinated by how language is used to convey complex ideas and tell compelling stories. As I progressed through my coursework, I discovered that I had a particular talent for crafting clear, engaging writing, and I found great fulfillment in honing my skills as a writer.

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"Not in doing what you like, but in liking what you do is the secret of happiness."


"Not in doing what you like, but in liking what you do is the secret of happiness."


A Glimpse of

My Life

A Glimpse of

My Life


Career Background

Smith & Williams Law Firm

Attorney Assistant

Kean University General Education Mentor (GEM)

Kean University School of English Studies Intern


Career Background

Smith & Williams Law Firm

Attorney Assistant

Kean University General Education Mentor (GEM)

Kean University School of English Studies Intern

@ Copyright 2023 - Jenise Perez | All rights reserved

Created In Noetics Systems

@ Copyright 2023 - Jenise Perez | All rights reserved

Created In Noetics Systems